DÖTTLING EYE – Security on a new level

​Döttling Eye is the first system worldwide to inform you in real time when your safe is opened - via push message and photo, directly to your smartphone. Additionally, you maintain full control over your safe at all times with a variety of convenient, individual setting options via the app. Discover the perfect symbiosis of masterful craftsmanship and state-of-the-art technology with Döttling Eye. 



  • Control via the Döttling iOS or Android app​
  • Worldwide 24/7 real-time notification whenever the safe is opened and push-delivery of pictures from the in-built camera​
  • Personalized setting of lighting system (colors and brightness)​
  • Watch winders with LED technology​
  • Individual setting of watch winders​
  • Save and file option for individual information for every watch winder (watch brand logo, model, rotations etc.)​
  • Humidity and temperature control inside the safe​

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